Installing Windows 11 22H2 without an Internet connection and without a Microsoft account

install Windows 11 22H2 without an Internet connection

As of this Tuesday, September 20, 2022, the first major Windows 11 update is available: Windows 11 22H2. This article explains how to install Windows 11 22H2 without an Internet connection? Because yes, if you install it without an Internet connection, you'll be blocked!

This is an opportunity to update your Windows 11 machine to the new version, or to run a few tests in a VM. Perhaps it's when you want to test it in a VM, without a network, that you'll notice this sticking point! Don't panic, I'll explain how to get around this little additional obstacle put in place by Microsoft. Whether on a virtual machine, a fixed PC or a laptop, the method for getting around this sticking point is the same, and it's simple.

This prerequisite is explained by the fact that Microsoft requires a Microsoft account for Home and Pro editions, from Windows 11 22H2precisely. This new prerequisite was mentioned by the American company several months ago.... Now, we can say we're there!

1. Installing Windows 11 22H2 without an Internet connection

I'm not going to detail the entire Windows 11 22H2 installation process: it's the same as always. You need to download an ISO image, etc. The beginning of the installation remains the same: you choose your edition of Windows 11, the disk on which to install it, etc... It's when you reboot that the task becomes more complicated.

At first, you choose your language, your keyboard layout, then your reel...

Installing Windows 11 22H2

Here, the message " It's time to connect to a network "appears, or " Let's connect you to a network "in English. The problem is that without the Internet, you can't click on the " button. Next "which remains grayed out. You still have the option of connecting the network to continue, or reading the rest of this article to finalize the installation without needing the network.

Windows 11 22H2 - Internet connection required

To get around this restriction, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) with Shift + F10 shortcut. In this console, enter the following command :

Windows 11 22H2 - Bypass Internet connection

Running this command will automatically reboot Windows 11 22H2! This is normal. When you restart, you'll have to go back to choosing your language, keyboard, etc., until you reach the " It's time to connect to a network" . Only this time, there's a " I don't have Internet "now available! Click on it...

Windows 11 22H2 - Installation without Internet

There, we've got past that sticking point!

2. Conclusion

By reading this article from the Computer Tutorials box, you'll be able to perform theinstalling Windows 11 22H2 without an Internet connection and without a Microsoft account.

The new Windows 11 incorporates a number of new features and interface changes. Here are a few examples:

  • Nouvelles dispositions pour le menu Démarrer
  • Création de groupes d’applications dans le menu Démarrer
  • L’Explorateur de fichiers : la section « Accès rapide » devient « Accueil », mais il n’est pas possible de créer des onglets
  • Différents éléments graphiques utilisent le thème officiel de Windows 11, plutôt que l’ancien design de Windows 8, notamment la jauge de gestion du volume et celle de gestion de la luminosité
  • Nouvelle version du gestionnaire des tâches de Windows
  • L’application Clipchamp dans sa version gratuite qui offre la possibilité d’effectuer du montage vidéo à partir de Windows, en profitant de ressources en accès libre (images, vidéos, musiques, etc…)
  • Blocage des applications inconnues ou non signées avec la nouvelle fonction Smart App Control de Defender
  • Etc…

Nothing transcendent, but a welcome update. If you'd like to find out more, check out the link below in Resources.

Resources :

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2 Responses

  1. rico says:

    Thank you, it works perfectly. 12/2022

  2. Langlois says:

    Hello, Tried this morning, it doesn't work: The command prompt doesn't open with SHIFT+F10 (I've just bought an ACER Aspire A135A-44P). In your opinion, does this come from Microsoft or Acer? Thank you in advance if you have the answer to my question. Best regards.

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