Getting started with SQL: creating and manipulating your first database
How do I learn SQL? I propose an introduction for beginners: creating your first database, a table, etc.
How do I learn SQL? I propose an introduction for beginners: creating your first database, a table, etc.
This tutorial explains how to create a MySQL database and assign a dedicated user to manage an application.
In this tutorial, we'll learn how to change a MySQL user's password from the command line under Linux.
In this tutorial, discover how to schedule and automate tasks under Linux using Crontab and Cron task configuration.
Learn how to create a new user under Linux using the useradd command. Follow our tutorial to master this essential action.
Tutorial on how to decompress ZIP files under Linux using the unzip command, with various examples.
Learn how to check the version of Bash installed on your Linux system using simple commands and scripts.
Tutorial to learn the basics of using Nmap on Linux, so you can scan machines connected to the network.
Here's some useful information you need to know about writing a PowerShell script: which software to use? What are the best practices? Etc.
Tutorial - How to configure PHP-FPM on a Web server to pass system environment variables to PHP scripts?