How do I uninstall an update on Windows 11?

Windows 11 uninstall update

Updates are sometimes the cause of a problem: a display bug, an application that won't start, etc. That's why it's interesting to be able to uninstall an update on Windows 11.

As is often the case, there are different ways of doing this, and different situations. Maybe you already know which update you want to remove, or maybe you just don't know yet.

This article describes two methods: one using the graphical user interface and the other using the command line. The command line can save time if you already know which update is causing a problem on your PC Windows 11. You should be aware that by uninstalling an update, you remove protection against the latest security flaws, so it's an operation to be carried out as a last resort, when the bug is too annoying.

1. Method 1: the graphical interface

To remove an update using the graphical interface, open the " Parameters" . On the left, select " Windows Update "and then, in the center, click on ". Update history" .

The history of installed updates is displayed, in chronological order. This should help you identify the update that may be causing the problem you're experiencing on your computer. At the bottom of this section, click on " Uninstalling updates" .

Another window may open (as in the example below), depending on your version of Windows 11, as this function was not initially integrated into the new Settings panel.

In any case, the objective remains the same: in the list of updates, select the one you wish to delete and click on the " " button. Uninstall "just above.

Uninstall Windows 11 update

Confirm, and the update will be uninstalled! Once you've done this, you need to restart your PC to allow the system to complete the operation. Once you've restarted, it's up to you to check whether your problem has disappeared or is still there. If the problem is still there, it's probably due to something else.

2. Method 2: Command line

From the command line, there are various commands that can be used to perform this action. For example, there's the " wusa.exe "directly linked to Windows Update, but also DISMor PowerShell with the PSWindowsUpdate.

In this article, I'd like to introduce you to the " wusa.exe "because it directly manipulates Windows Update and it's devilishly efficient. 🙂

Let's take the example of the latest Windows 11 update, released on June 14, 2022 (via what is known as a Patch Tuesday) and corresponding to the following KB: KB5014697. If you wish to remove this update, you need to indicate the number (without the "KB" part) in the " " parameter. /kb: "to the following command:

wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:5014697 /norestart

If you don't, you may not delete the correct update. The " /norestart The "do not restart" option is used to indicate that the PC is not to be restarted at the end of the update uninstallation. However, it's better to reboot at the end to ensure that the changes are taken into account. With this command, you've just remove an update from your machine!

3. Windows won't start, what do I do?

If you need to remove an update when Windows no longer starts up, and perhaps it no longer starts up following its installation, you need to start up in recovery mode (this will be suggested if Windows crashes). Sometimes a blue screen of death (BSoD) is generated when the PC crashes, in which case Windows must be repaired via this mode.

Next, follow these few steps to be guided through the various screens of the PC recovery wizard:

  • Cliquez sur « Dépannage« 
  • Cliquez sur « Options avancées« 
  • Choisissez « Désinstaller des mises à jour« 
  • Choisissez « Désinstaller la dernière mise à jour qualité » dans la liste
  • Validez

This operation makes it possible to remove the latest Windows 11 update installed without having direct access to the system. This is a relatively rare occurrence, but it can happen, so it's worth knowing that this method exists.

Is your PC in better shape? I hope so! Tell me all about it by leaving a comment on this article.

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